Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Never expected to be writing about expecting (and parenting) without expectations!

No, I'm not currently expecting. But, I was expecting at one point and if my son starts sleeping through the night anytime soon, I may start to think about expecting again. I've told him that he must earn his 'sibling-privledges' back. (I'm not holding my breath, however. He's existed on this planet for nearly a year already and he has only made a couple of feeble attempts to spend the night in his own crib).

Trying to navigate pregnancy and my first year of parenthood has been an incredibily difficult task for me. The sleep issues, the body image issues, the loss of freedom issues. The list of 'adjustments' could extend into next week if I wanted to go that far.

So, as I sit here thinking about Gabriel's quickly-approaching 1st birthday, I've realized what it's ALL about!! I've decided to share my insight and newly-found wisdom with all of you! I only wish that I had come to this conclusion a long time ago, as it likely would have saved me from much stress. But, as they say, better late than never!

It all comes down to this one 'simple' concept: Expecting (and Parenting) without Expectations. I've started this blog to share my own personal journey with all of you. This journey begins with the need to control all things in my life and (hopefully) ends with letting go of all of expectations.


  1. Were we twins in a former life?! Because there wasn't a single thing I didn't agree with. I'm really sorry there's so much crap to sift through but I'm confident that you'll find your niche in time. Maybe you should start a meetup group for moms who hate the other meetup groups. Possible idea?!

  2. It sounds like you see things much the same way I do! check out my blog- www.tuntot.wordpress.com
